Sunday, January 27, 2013

So Much Paper.

So... I have been inspired by many a thrilling artist out there (artists such as: Sarah Dennis and Claire Brewster) to try my hand at making some paper cuts.
Here is that attempt:

Very neat.
Except the words are backwards, because I didn't take the time to figure out how my computer works.
Anyway, I stuck with a very generic and unoriginal idea.  A lot of paper cutters out there are really into fantasy/story book/animal sort of paper cutting.  Well at least the artists I like.  So, I kept with that style.  I just sketched the whole thing by hand, (and I can't draw worth squat, that is why you can hardly make out a fox, its in the bottom corner, just a tail and a leg) I cut it out in about thirty mins, glued it to a piece of green paper and voila!
I am kinda proud of it.  I hope to keep going with this, and see if I can improve.

On the other hand, I have been clearing a lot of things out of my room.  And I stumbled upon a giant gum wrapper chain I made when I was a wee little thing.  It held a lot of memories.  But I dismantled most of it, and saved some of the pieces for this:

Gum wrapper chain clutch!
Disclaimer: It is actually made out of Now and Later wrappers...

It is only half finished, I want to find a zipper for it, and possibly sew up the sides and bottom.
But I am excited to use it. 
I will most likely store my pencils in it, like a twelve-year-old.
Yay me.
Ok, thats all the exciting news for today!