Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Honey Bee Hat

Once upon a time I dreamed of knitting this cute ribbed hat.
It would be yellow.
It would be floppy.
It would be perfect.
The first version of this hat was "The Honey Bear"

Now, while this hat was adorable and lovely in its own way.  It still did not achieve the effect I wanted.
It wasn't ribbed enough.
It was too small.
It didn't do that flop over the back...

So I tried a different version.
This time I went with chunky yarn.
"The Honey Bear Hat 2.0"

It was still too small.
It wasn't yellow.
A great hat, but I was still missing all the elements I really wanted.

So, when I found that I still had a huge stash of yarn from the first hat.  I figured I had grown enough in my hat making skills to give it one more try.
And here we have it.
"The Honey Bee Hat"

I took the pictures with my laptop, so they are low quality.
But you can still see that it is a perfect yellow.
A perfect size.
A perfect rib.
And a nice flop.

It just has everything I want in a hat.

I wore it for three days straight until my husband pointed out that it really is not good weather for a winter hat.
I convinced him that wearing it inside is ok.
But any truly chilly days are long gone now.  Even when it rains it is still not cold enough for a hat.
So, for now it is stowed away.

But it will return.
And it will claim its rightful place on my head, once again.

The End.