Friday, March 15, 2013

Fantastic Mr. Fox

A couple of months a go a friend of mine sent me a box, in it was a black balaclava and the instructions to sew some fox ears on his "bandit mask"
This reference comes from the wonderful Wes Anderson movie 
The movie is based off of the book by Roald Dahl.  
At a point in the movie a few of the characters wear these "bandit masks"

So when I finally got around to starting this project I was a bit wary as to how it would turn out.
I dug through my mothers yarn stash, found some old leftover stuff she used to knit a couple of foxes awhile back.  The outcome was a bit better then I expected:

Minus the creepy looking balaclava...

So, happy with my hard work I packed it up and sent it off to him.
As far as I am concerned it was a success.
And my friend will be more than proud to wear it around.
As long as it doesn't inspire him to start robbing from rich farmers, I am ok with it!